by Greg Layton | Jan 19, 2023
In this Best of Series episode, we hear from former MD & CEO of The Pact Group, Mal Bundey, on making a difference and bringing your ‘A Game’. I interviewed Mal for this podcast back in June 2018. Between 2015 and 2019, Mal was the MD & CEO of Pact Group...
by Greg Layton | Sep 29, 2022
In this episode of The Inner Chief podcast, we speak to Mark Pomeroy, CEO of Pomeroy Pacific, on managing risk, asking great questions, and succeeding in a family business. Since 2005, Mark has been the CEO of Pomeroy Pacific, one of Australia’s premier...
by Greg Layton | Jul 21, 2022
In this episode of The Inner Chief podcast, we speak to telecoms industry disruptor, Alex West, CEO of Swoop, on being the calm in the chaos, trust and vulnerability, and building a high-performing culture through metrics. Alex is currently the CEO of Swoop, a...
by Greg Layton | Jun 15, 2022
G’day Chiefs, This is a special minisode where we get to discuss some of the themes that I’ve encountered from running the Chief Maker Mini-MBA in Leading High-Performance Teams. One of the most common reasons why people take up the Mini-MBA is one that I hear...
by Greg Layton | Apr 21, 2022
In this episode of The Inner Chief podcast, you’ll hear from Brigit Esselmont, Founder & CEO of Biddy Tarot on executive intuition, busting the myths of tarot, and from zero to 7 figures. Brigit is the Founder & CEO of Biddy Tarot the world’s leading online...