G’day Chiefs,

This is a special minisode where we get to discuss some of the themes that I’ve encountered from running the Chief Maker Mini-MBA in Leading High-Performance Teams.

One of the most common reasons why people take up the Mini-MBA is one that I hear repeatedly before we kick off the sessions, and that is, “How do I work at level? How do I work in a leadership capacity, on strategy, and with the executive team and really add value to the organisation?”

I’m going to answer this broad question by referencing some of the activities we undertake with our Chiefs in the program.

1. Stop and look up

One of the most common pitfalls I see in leadership is that people take every challenge the same. Every industry and even business needs a different approach for different markets.

So the first thing we do in the first few modules is to encourage you to stop the work you’re doing and look up and scan what’s happening in the broader market. What are the trends? How does this affect the business I’m working for?

2. Organisational analysis

At Chief Maker, we use the following model: Fix, Reset, Grow, Change the Game.

This allows situational leadership, that is, a custom-made approach for the business we’re working on. If you’re going to work at level, you need to know what to focus on so that you operate with precision.

We then dive deeper into the High Performance Teams Framework, particularly around how each person in your team is performing against certain metrics and what to do with the wrong people on the bus in terms of coaching, counselling and potentially removal from role.

3. Build your own strategic playbook

We look at the first two items above in terms of internal and external context and then build a plan on a page (POP) as part of a strategic playbook so that you can take decisive action. We create a vision, a strategy and an operating rhythm, which enables you to control the outcome of your team and build that incredibly important track record.

Chief, if you want to supercharge your career and life, the Chief Maker Mini-MBA will give you all the tools and strategies you need to really nail it.

Jump in and get a seat at the table: www.chiefmaker.com/minimba

Stay epic,